You42 FAQ

Monetization FAQ

  • Who can monetize on You42?

    • In order to monetize, you must upload and publish at least 3 pieces of content. After that, all you have to do is link your You42 account to a US bank account and you can start monetizing!

  • How does monetization work on You42?

    • The You42 platform operates on a Credits system. Users purchase Credit Packs through the You42 site. Credits are then spent by users to access Premium Content in the form of music, videos, and podcasts. Creators get paid by setting fees for their content. We will pay you the fee based on the Credits that were used to access your content.

  • How do I monetize my content?

    • In order to make money on You42, you will need to create Premium Content for your Channel(s). Any content you upload can be tagged as Premium. Once a user unlocks a specific piece of content, they will have streaming access to that content. You will get paid your set fee for that piece of content.

  • What kinds of content can I monetize?

    • Monetizable content includes music, videos, and podcasts. You can charge for access to a single episode or track, or an entire season or album. The choice is yours!

  • What fee can I set for my Premium Content?

    • Whatever you want! You know the value of your work better than anyone. Set your own fee for each piece of Premium Content based on whatever criteria you see fit. With You42, the creator is in control!

  • Can I monetize all of the content on my Channel(s)?

    • Not quite. For promotion and discovery purposes, we require that each Channel contain at least 1 piece of free content.

  • How much will You42 keep?

    • ZERO! The best part of monetizing through the You42 Platform is that You42 doesn’t take any of your earnings! Other than a small payout fee from our partners at Stripe, you keep everything that you earn. It’s that simple!

  • How do I get paid?

    • Earnings are how you make money on You42. Your Earnings are determined by the amount of Credits users have paid to access your content. You42 pays you cash based on the number of times your Premium Content was unlocked by users. Payouts to creators are processed 15 days following the close of each month. The minimum Earnings amount to receive a payout is $25.

Channel FAQ

  • What is a Channel?

    • A Channel is a collection of content (videos, music, and/or podcasts) on You42. Channels are generally organized around a theme, interest, or genre.

  • How do I create a Channel?

    • First, you must become a verified You42 Content Creator. You can request to become a Content Creator when you sign up for You42, or later from the Content Menu. Once you are approved, you will receive an email to help get you started. Please note, if you do not upload content within thirty days, your Content Creator status will be removed.

  • Do I have to create a Channel to upload content?

    • Yes. All content on You42 must exist inside a Channel.

  • What files types can I upload?

    • We support video, audio, and image files.

      • Video: mp4, m4v, mpg, mpeg, ogg, avi, mov, mkv, flv, wmv, webm

      • Audio: wav, mp3, ogg, aac, m4a, m4p, mpga, oga, mp4, mp2

      • Images: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, webp

  • Can I create multiple Channels?

    • Yes. If some of your content doesn’t fit within the themes or genres of your existing Channels, you can create a new Channel.

  • Can I delete a Channel?

    • Yes. However, any content that is associated with that Channel will be permanently deleted as well. To avoid this, transfer any content you want to remain published to another Channel before deletion.

Networks FAQ

  • What is You42 Networks?

    • Networks is a new creator-focused feature coming soon to the You42 platform. Each Network is a collection of Channels organized around a brand or personality. Channels are selected to join Networks based on how well they compliment the theme or genre of the Network.

  • What are the benefits of joining a Network?

    • By partnering with a brand or personality on You42 Networks, you’ll increase your creative clout by becoming part of a curated entertainment ecosystem. As a member you’ll enjoy enhanced discoverability, as well as new opportunities to grow your fanbase and increase your revenue potential.

  • How can I join a Network?

    • Currently, Network inclusion is by invitation only. After Networks goes live, you can request to join a Network through the You42 platform.

  • Can I start my own Network? 

Live Event FAQ

  • Who can create a Live Event?    

    • Creators with their own Networks automatically have access to live streaming on all of their Channels. Other Content Creators must have at least 1K followers on You42 to access the live streaming feature. 

  • Are there additional requirements? 

    • In order to set up a Live Event, a Creator must have published at least three pieces of content and have set up their You42 Wallet. 

  • How do I earn money from my event? 

    • Live streams are ticketed, online events. You set your own ticket price, and you keep 90% of ticket sales (before applicable fees, including $2/hour, with a 1.5 hour minimum, and $0.50 /viewer/hour). 

  • Can my Live Event be free? 

    • In order to cover streaming costs, there is a minimum ticket price for each event. 

  • How do I receive my ticket proceeds? 

    • Revenue from your Live Event will be applied to your You42 wallet via Credits within 45 days following your live broadcast. Any earnings above $10,000 will be wired. Please refer to the Content Creator Agreement: Broadcaster Addendum for more information.

  • What should I do to prepare for my Live Event? 

    • Plan the content of your event in advance, noting that the minimum stream time for a Live Event is 1 hour.

    • Set up your Live Event by accessing your You42 Content Manager, or by hitting the “CREATE” button at the top of the page. 

    • Determine the date when you want ticket sales to go live in advance of the stream. Tickets will be available for purchase as soon as you hit the “MAKE PUBLIC” button.  

    • Make sure you have enough credits to initiate the event. There is a non-refundable deposit of 30 Credits for the first hour, and 20 Credits for each additional hour. 

  • How do I go live? 

    • When it’s time, start your Live Event from your Content Manager. 

    • The “GO LIVE” button will become active 15 minutes prior to your event’s scheduled start time. This allows you to test your equipment before the event officially begins. 

    • When you hit the “GO LIVE” button, you will receive your Stream Key. 

    • Post the Stream Key into OBS or a comparable broadcast software of your choice. Then start streaming! 

  • What happens when I'm done streaming? 

    • To end the stream, go to the content manager and click the “COMPLETE STREAM” button to end the event and remove it from the site. (NOTE: The stream will automatically end 15 minutes after your event is scheduled to end). 

  • What if I want to delete my event prior to the stream, or to change the date/time?

    • Once you hit the “MAKE PUBLIC” button and the deposit is paid, you cannot change the event’s date and time. You will have to delete the event and create a new one. In doing so, all ticket earnings will be refunded and the deposit will be lost. 

  • Can I record my live stream for distribution later? 

    • Any live streams on You42 that have been recorded should not be distributed within 30 days of the original air date. If you wish to distribute a recorded live stream, you are responsible for all licenses and fees associated with the distributed content outside of the Live Event.