Uploading Your Content

In this quick guide, we’ll create your first Channel and get your content uploaded

Creating Your Channel

Sign-in at You42.com and click “Create” at the top right of the page

Click “Create new…” to create a new Channel. All content you upload to You42 lives on a Channel

Give your Channel a name, Channel Image, and Banner Image (Name and images are required to create the Channel)

Click “Create” when finished and continue to the next step


Pick what type of content you’re uploading

Mobile Moments: Short form vertical video content (a la TikTok).

Click “SELECT FILES” or drop your files into the drag and drop circle to begin your uploads

Wait for your content to upload. The text on the right will read as follows: Uploading > Processing > Draft

NOTE: Try refreshing the page if your progress appears stuck

Click the pencil icon on the right to edit your content data.

Add a thumbnail image, fill out the required fields, and hit “Publish” to launch your content on You42.com!